With Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching, there may be some married women out there who are wondering how to add the romance back to their love life. Although this little game is a great one to try on Valentine’s Day, it sure doesn’t hurt to think about doing this at other random times throughout the year, too! Try it and let me know how it goes.
Sex it up game #1: Treasure Hunt of LoveTime: This game takes a bit of planning. You will need at least a day to get everything purchased and prepared. You will want to plan it for a day that your husband or significant other is going to be away for a good amount of time (such as a normal work day).
Cost: There will be some cost, although it can be quite cheap if you make most of the items yourself. Your desires will determine your budget.
Items needed: - 3 – 7 small, blank cards (you can make these yourself or buy them at the store; look for some sexy designs)
- Your favorite finger foods such as veggies, chips and dip, chicken fingers, chocolate-dipped strawberries, etc.
- Your man’s favorite indulgent drink (alcoholic or non)
- A variety of little gifts (such things as a pair of silk boxer shorts, a candy bar, a music CD)
- Your favorite sexy movie (I like 9 ½ Weeks myself although Body Heat is also a good one and many people like Out of Sight or Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Of course, feel free to find something more erotic if you are so inclined)
The PlanOkay, here’s the premise. What you are going to do is plant a little card at various points throughout your house (or even outside if you so desire), the ‘stations of delight’. The idea is to greet your significant other with the first card before he enters the house so that he knows what to do next and how to get to the next station of delight.
So, take your first card and write on it something like: “This is a treasure hunt for love. Read each card, follow the instructions, and figure out the clues to find out where you need to go next”. At this point, you might include instructions to take off his shoes and coat (have a chair or hat rack handy, perhaps a pair of slippers), and then look for his next station where he would find food getting cold (the refrigerator).
The next card will be placed in the refrigerator, perhaps propped up in front of a beer bottle. It will have instructions to pour himself a cold beer with an iced glass conveniently located in the freezer above, for example. Be sure to include a clue to the location of the next station.
This can go on with as many stations of delight that you can think of, or have room for. One station may be at the stereo, where he will need to push a button and play a new CD of romantic music. Another station may have a sexy pair of boxer shorts or robe flung across a chair with instructions for him to strip down. Use your imagination and your knowledge of what he likes to come up with ideas for each stop. Make sure there are at least three stations set up in order for it to be the most fun and the biggest surprise.
The last stop will include a clue to get him into the bedroom. This is where you will have your erotic movie playing (press play when you hear him heading your way so he doesn’t realize you’re in there too early), a platter of finger foods, perhaps a chilling bottle of champagne and pair of glasses, bottle of massage oil, and always, you in a sexy little negligee appropriately posed and waiting for your man.
I’ll let you take it from there and decide how you want it to end (hint, food and champagne can be used for more than eating and drinking - review
9 ½ Weeks for ideas if you need 'em *wink*).